Thursday, January 16, 2014

Off I go into the wild blue yonder...

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”Henry Miller

 My journey has begun!!! You may be asking, "where are you going, what are you doing, and how are you doing it?" I am asking those questions too :) Applying to teach in South Korea has taught me some very important things: live in the moment, find peace in the unknown, trust that things will workout, and have lots of patience.

Here is what I can tell you. After months of planning, dreaming,  and sifting through paperwork, I am finally moving forward. After a successful send off dinner last night, I finished packing and spent the last night in my bed. This morning my parents braved the windy roads and took me to MSP airport. Everything went like clockwork, and after a teary goodbye I was off. My flight was wonderful (the man next to me got a complimentary tv device and he didn't want it so he let me use it to watch videos about Hawaii. We also had a great conversation about all the things I must do while I am there). I am currently waiting in Seattle for my connecting flight... oops guess it is time to board. Next time I post will be from Hawaii! Aloha!
This pic sums up the craziness that has been my life these past couple weeks!

This is all that craziness in bags
This is me and my cute dog!
Send off dinner

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